OVA Responses to Planning Applications

Listed below are brief details of planning applications where the OVA has made a response to East Devon District Council.

To see full details of a planning application and any comments made please go to:


and enter the application reference.  

A list of all responses received can be found under the 'Documents' tab.


SiteApplication RefProposalCommentsDecision
Land East side of Oak Hill, East Budleigh24/2091/FULChange of use and siting of 3 holiday cabins, conversion of forestry barn to holiday accommodation and bat buildingGenerally supportive but concern over loss of bat habitat 
10 Marine Parade, BS24/1832/FULReplacement of family dwelling with 4 No. apartmentsObjections submittedRefused 18/11/24
10 Marine Parade, BS24/1833/FULProposed self-build dwellingObjections submittedRefused 15/11/24
Penny Park, Kersbrook24/1491/FULReplacement dwelling, extension of amenity space and new drivewayGenerally acceptable but concerns over enlargement of amenity spaceApproved 10/12/24
22 Fore St, Budleigh Salterton24/0825/FULFront porch and rear extension with terraceObjections submitted 
Ladram Bay Holiday Park, Otterton24/0415/FULChange of use and extension for 32 No. lodges into top field and reduced caravans, landscapingObjections submittedRefused 24/07/24
New house, Back Lane, NP24/0641/FUL Objections as harmful to EDNL, local polices and flood riskRefused 22/05/24
Pearce’s Yard
Bridgend, Harpford
24/0371/FULConversion of dutch barn and removal of lawful residential mobile home.Objections. Harmful to EDNL and contrary to local policies. Flood risk.Refused 19/12/24
Land at Burrows Lane
Newton Poppleford
23/2607/PIP5 dwellingsObjections. Harmful to EDNL and contrary to local policiesRefused 24/01/24