
OVA Litter Pick - CancellationView

The final parts of the LORP, the installation of the new footbridge and breach of the estuary bank, have been brought forward to August. Consequently, the embankment footpath will be closed and the whole area will continue to be designated as a works site.

OVA Membership RatesView

The OVA last increased their membership rates in 2015.  Since that time, as with everything else, inflation has taken its toll on our finances.

Public Consultation on the emerging new East Devon Local Plan 2020-2040.View

Public Consultation on the emerging new East Devon Local Plan 2020-2040 

OVA Christmas PartyView

The Executive Committee is delighted to invite you and your friends to the OVA Christmas Partyto be held at Woodbury Park Golf Club on Friday, 9 December.

Otter Valley Association AGM 2022View

Please click here for more details about the Otter Valley Association AGM 2022        

Otter Estuary Spring Litter-pickView

After 2 years of having to hold autumn litter picks it was good to return to the usual Spring event last Saturday 2nd April. Despite a forecast for rain the afternoon remained chilly but dry.

Dates for your DiaryView

Dates for your diary.                                                                 

Wildlife on the River Otter - A Talk by David WhiteView

Please click on the image below to view a Zoom talk, given by David White to the Devon Wildlife Trust recently, titled 'Wildlife on the River Otter'.

5-Oct-2021 - Latest OVA NewsView

OVA Christmas Party & Otter Valley Residents urged to back beavers.   See here for full details of the OVA Christmas Party on 9th December.  

Otter Valley Residents urged to back BeaversView

Devon Wildlife Trust is advising East Devon residents on how they can have a say on the future of beavers in our countryside. The government has launched a public consultation on the future of beaver introductions in England.