‘Silver-studded blue butterflies’. Booking required
The main aim of the walk is to try and spot silver- studded blues. They are most likely to be on the wing from mid-June to mid-July. They are a small butterfly only found on a limited number of sites across England. They have a complex life cycle and are easily missed, especially the females which are brown and tend to be static, waiting for males to find them.
They are fairly frail flyers and don't like windy days. We would hope to see several other heathland butterflies as well.
The walk will be led by Lesley Kerry who recently retired from monitoring the silver-studded blue for The Pebblebed Heaths. She was co-ordinating volunteers and has been reviewing habitats and collecting information on silver-studded blues for many years before retiring from the role. Lesley will be assisted by Geoff Porter who is the Natural Environment representative for the OVA.
We aim to repeat the walk on Tuesday 9 July and both dates are weather dependant.
The size of the group will be limited and we will maintain a ‘reserve’ list.
To book: please email: [email protected] indicating which date you prefer, bookings open Monday 27 May for both dates and parking information will be given when a booking is confirmed.